What If This Happened To You?
Think about the last time you reached for the cell phone…took a drink of water…shook the hand of an acquaintance…felt a hug from a loved one…
For most of us, these simple actions go without thought. But for a group of very special people, these are extraordinary accomplishments. Now for just a moment, imagine the loss of hope that happens for a young person, a student who has goals and dreams. One accident happens then your life as you know it changes in an instant and you can no longer do even simple, everyday tasks. Now imagine the impact this could have on a family? The schedules or even your home environment that will have to change to support the new challenges you face? Who do you turn to for answers? What’s the next step?
The answer is Missouri KIDS! (Missourians Who Kare for Injured and Disabled Students).
Unfortunately, those who suffer disabling injuries while engaged in sports-related activities are merely a statistic to some. But to those directly involved, paralytic injuries are catastrophic. What follows an accident is devastating to everyone involved. That’s why Missouri KIDS was founded. Our mission is to provide assistance to young student athletes and their families through the purchase of special equipment and to give them the resources they need to make adjustments and lifestyle changes-assistance that is not available through most insurance or other organizations.
We’d like to help all those in need, but we’re limited without your support. Please take a moment to consider how easy it is for you to navigate through our website. The students we help don’t always have that “luxury.” Catastrophic accidents can happen to anyone and will completely alter their life. Your generous contribution will benefit those who desperately need your assistance. With your support, we can help alleviate the burden of post-accident expenses and assist with giving our recipients the best chance at adapting and rehabilitating after their injuries. Missouri KIDS and Missouri’s kids, thank you!
Our Mission Statement
Providing young student athletes in the state of Missouri who suffer permanent disabling injuries the special equipment, resources and support they need to best overcome their physical limitations and confidently work toward a successful adulthood.
We are Missourians Who Kare for Injured and Disabled Students, Missouri KIDS.
About Missouri KIDS
Missourians Who Kare For Injured and Disabled Students
Missouri KIDS is a 501 (c ) 3 non-profit organization that helps student athletes in the State of Missouri who have suffered permanent disabling injuries. Their injuries typically occur during sporting activities. Athletes hurt under other circumstances are eligible for assistance as well if they were participating in athletic programs at the time of their accident.
If you, or someone you, know is interested in applying for aid, please validate their eligibility here.
Meet Our First Recipient, Doug
Doug was the first recipient of our care. In 1975 he suffered an injury to his neck in a wrestling accident leaving him a quadriplegic. Missouri KIDS has helped by providing him with a wheelchair accessible van and a ramp for his home. We also provided him with a computer as well as a scholarship for graduate school. This accident helped reveal a love and admiration for the arts. Doug has become a contributing artist to the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Association. He also continues to create many beautiful pieces of artwork to this day. Learn more about Doug.
Meet Our New Recipient, JJ
JJ is from Lebanon, Missouri and attends Lebanon High School where he was on the football and track teams. On September 17, 2023, at the age of 16, JJ was involved in a car accident. He says, “I lost control of my car, went off the road, hit the ditch and went airborne until my car hit a tree and wrapped around it.” It took 2 hours before responders could pry JJ from the car and airlift him to the hospital in Springfield. As a result of the accident, JJ sustained a spinal cord injury, resulting in C4 AIS B incomplete tetraplegia.
Missouri KIDS is working to help JJ gain access to a vehicle that he can drive independently after his driving school program concludes.
Meet Our New Recipient, Kaleb
Kaleb is from Springfield, Missouri and attends Niangua High School where he was on the basketball, track, and baseball teams. On June 1, 2024, at the age of 17, Kaleb’s life changed when he was ejected from a vehicle driven by another person, which resulted in a break at the T10 level and severed spinal cord, resulting in paralysis from the waist down.
Missouri KIDS is working to help Kaleb by providing a vehicle that he can drive, which will give him independence as he navigates his recovery and finishes his senior year of high school.