Meet Gavin

On January 24, 2020, Gavin was 14 years old when he suffered from an accidental gun shot to the head. We were told he most likely would not make it through surgery, where they removed most of his damaged skull to allow the brain to swell and if he did make it, they did not anticipate any real quality of life for him. He did make it through surgery and after several scares, set backs, a brain bleed, a pseudo aneurysm, being told two more times he would not make it through the day, they woke him up from his coma and removed the ventilator. Gavin had to relearn how to talk and eat. We spent five months at Children’s hospital where Gavin did intense rehab while he healed enough to have a second brain surgery. Not only has Gavin defied every odd, he made the National Honors Society his junior year of high school at CBC. Gavin loved baseball and played that among other sports at his grade school. He continues to work tirelessly at physical therapy, we know he will walk and get full use of his left side again. Gavin is a true miracle.
Gavin is just one of the many inspiring stories of adversity we see with every athlete supported by Missouri KIDS. Through financial support from members of the community, just like you, we can continue to help more athletes and their families in the same way. We appreciate any financial support you can provide. Using the button below, you will be transferred to PayPal to make a Donation.