Meet Mike R.

Mike grew up in St. Louis. He was a basketball player until he was injured doing a backflip. He is a graduate from Webster University with double majors in secondary education & history.
Mike R. says;
“The assistance that my family & received from Missouri KIDS has been life-altering. Due to some of the things Missouri KIDS provided us with, I’ve had a number of opportunities that were afforded to me that I otherwise would never have had. The importance of the assistance that Missouri KIDS has provided me with, some of them such simple accommodations & comforts as being able to take a shower, have been monumental for the comfort & enjoyment of my life.”
Mike loved;
history, travel, reading, sports, working out, spending time with his friends, dogs & other animals.
Mike gained his heavenly wings in August, 2020.
Thank You For Your Donation
“I wish that I could somehow find a way to convey the wealth of emotions & gratitude that I feel every time I think of Missouri KIDS and those who donate to the cause. There are some things in life that are so great they are impossible to be expressed in words. All that I can say is that I am sincerely grateful & appreciative of all of the selfless donations that have come in since Missouri KIDS have been helping my family and me.” -Mike R.
Mike R. is just one of the many inspiring stories of adversity we see with every athlete supported by Missouri KIDS. Through financial support from members of the community, just like you, we can continue to help more athletes and their families in the same way. We appreciate any financial support you can provide. Using the button below, you will be transferred to PayPal to make a Donation.