Your passion and support help our student athletes with permanently disabling injuries reach their full potential. Thank you for considering Missouri KIDS in your estate plans. Great Futures Start Here!
This planning might include a will, charitable gift annuity, a trust arrangement, a real estate gift or a life insurance policy.
Begin the process by meeting with your financial advisor, attorney and CPA who will take a comprehensive look at your situation in the context of your overall financial plan. Your financial advisor has the tools, resources and expertise to help you help our KIDS! We are also happy to meet with your financial planner if you would like.
Wills and Bequests
Leave a legacy. Make Missouri KIDS a bequest in your will, living trust or codicil. Bequests allow you to continue to use the property you will leave to charity during your life. Choose from:
- Specific Bequest
- Percentage Bequest
- Residual Bequest
- Contingent Bequest
Share your interest with your financial advisor, attorney and CPA.
Memorial and Honor Gifts
Honor the memory of a loved one with a gift to the Clubs. Please contact Missouri KIDS for more information at 636.946.9595 or info@missourikids.org.